With a highly innovative spirit and oriented towards the creation of an interconnected community capable of satisfying the needs of citizens and tourists, the Municipal Administration of Crispiano has given life to a new beginning. The heart of this new vision is a Strategic Participation Plan for the City of Crispiano, which embraces the young generations and the principles of sustainability, in perfect harmony with the Agenda for the Sustainable Development of ONU.

Crispiano, a territory that is constantly evolving towards a vision that valorises differences as cultural heritage, aims to connect suburbs and centre, rural landscape and city, the sea with the countryside. This approach intends to involve the whole community, from young people to the elderly, from women to children and people with different traditions and cultures, all sharing a single destiny of tourism development.

In Rural We Trust” is theStrategic Tourism Plan of the Municipality of Crispiano which will involve sector operators, local authorities, employer and trade union associations, stakeholders,
local opinion leaders, universities and others.

A choral process that will lead to the construction of a new shared vision of tourism in Crispiano and Puglia.
The interaction between territory and tourist services is currently an inseparable element, built on different dimensions. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the crucial role of tourism in the growth of the territory, considered as a complex ecosystem with environmental, social, economic and intangible components.